Friday, July 12, 2019

Link shortener's a hackers friend

Welcome to Hacking a rise today we are going to talk to you about link shorter’s these are site were u post you long link and it gaves you a shorter link this sites come in very handy for hackers as we can use them to mask are bad urls so to speck by this i mean like beef-xss or metasploit stuff like that help for this i will show you using beef-xss with beef over wan so lets get stuck in to it

What are link shortners

URL shortening is a technique on the World Wide Web in which a Uniform Resource Locator (URL) may be made substantially shorter and still direct to the required page. This is achieved by using a redirect which links to the web page that has a long URL. For example, the URL “” can be shortened to “”, and the URL “” can be shortened to “”. Often the redirect domain name is shorter than the original one. A friendly URL may be desired for messaging technologies that limit the number of characters in a message (for example SMS), for reducing the amount of typing required if the reader is copying a URL from a print source, for making it easier for a person to remember, or for the intention of a permalink. In November 2009, the shortened links of the URL shortening service Bitly were accessed 2.1 billion times.[1]

Other uses of URL shortening are to “beautify” a link, track clicks, or disguise the underlying address. Although disguising of the underlying address may be desired for legitimate business or personal reasons, it is open to abuse.[2] Some URL shortening service providers have found themselves on spam blacklists, because of the use of their redirect services by sites trying to bypass those very same blacklists. Some websites prevent short, redirected URLs from being posted.

Find out more

to install beef over wan and ngrok check out
beef with custom page

i have my link <--- see how it looks like there something fishy so what we do is go to exitbar paste the link in

Hacking A Rise EXITBAR-300x163


Now we shortened the link we can now move to picsee
Hacking A Rise Screenshot-from-2019-07-12-15-39-39-300x94

now we paste the shortened link in to picsee
Hacking A Rise Screenshot-from-2019-07-12-15-40-37-300x118

It will then take you to this page then you want to click edit there were we make the link look more real
Hacking A Rise Screenshot-from-2019-07-12-15-41-12-300x179

so add a pic and a bit of text and press ok
Hacking A Rise Screenshot-from-2019-07-12-15-44-08-300x122

now we are gaving a new link for use to share
Hacking A Rise Screenshot-from-2019-07-12-15-45-08-300x234

so now when we post the link what we add will pop down
Hacking A Rise Screenshot-from-2019-07-12-15-47-08-300x192

there one way lads or we can use other link shornters like

  • capsulink
  • bitly
  • Snip
  • To name a few iv used with this method

    final thoughts

    Well lads my thoughts on this is be very careful what links you press as u never know thats is really going on but this a handy way to spread the beef link or payloads or try phishing with it


    Hackingarise does not take responsibility for any actions you may perform with this tool and/or knowledge!! Your actions are your choices so please make wise ones!! Hackingarise makes these tutorials for educational purposes only and they are used to teach the public how hackers can use tools to break into their devices!!

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